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Old 03-22-2006, 12:53 PM
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Per Derek69SS

"Camaro: first-gen enthusiasts want "more retro", but they seem to forget that the first-gen was only 3 years of the 35 years the camaro was in production. There was some pretty cool styling in those other 32 years too. It appears GM might want to bring the Camaro name back for another 35 years, which is why they designed it to allow for styling changes to stay fresh. If they made it look like a '69, the first time they'd change something, it would just look like something that didn't fit the '69 styling. The design, as-is, can be changed dramatically without redesigning the whole car through a 7-8 year production run. The next style could build off this one, or go completely different, without something looking out-of-place in the evolution of the Camaro. It might not sell as well for the couple years a full retro would, but this appears to be a long-term design, not a "Jump on the retro fad while it lasts, then kill it again" design.

I know a lot of you have said something like "I'd buy one if it was a fully-retro '69 style", but they don't want you to buy one. They want you to buy several... one every few years when the new design makes you want a new one more than the one you already have."

Build me a 67-9 and I will buy it. Then progress to a 70 and I will buy it. Just because nobody has done such a repeat does not mean it wouldn't work. 35 years later those first Gens still look killer. Build a 69 and you don't have to compare it to anything and the design is timeless. Build their current concept and throw it in the pot with everything else that looks similar and outdated in a couple years.
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