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Old 05-22-2016, 03:07 PM
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Digging into the body work the sail panel below the rear window had some rust and some of the rear window frame needed repair also. I had a neighboring shop repair that and prep the rest of the body, weld some of the trim holes closed, and put it in black primer.

At that point my good friend Chris Coffey was leaving the area with an empty trailer back to Nashville, TN (he was out doing some fab work in the area) and asked me if he could take it with him so he could work his magic. Realizing that my progress was slow and I don't have the skills to do a full cage that actually looks good, a turbo system that would be reliable, and other touches the car left with him! He has been a fabricator for pretty much his entire career and would work on it during his slow times and charge me a discounted rate as a result.

At that point I felt like I was paying alimony at times as monthly funds were being sent to make headway and buy parts. I'm coming towards the end of the build so this thread needed to be put up!
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Last edited by gnx7; 10-14-2016 at 10:56 AM.
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