Jeff/Rick-That was my first comment when Johnny Hunkins asked me if I wanted to get in on this. It's absolutely true and probably won't ever change.
However, if the hobby has become nothing more than a handful of cars that are deemed "good investments" and rest is simply wasting money then it's time for me to find a new hobby.
While I love Camaros, I've probably rendered 200 of them over the past few years. To a lesser degree, I've done a lot of Trans Ams, Mustangs, GTOs, Novas, Chevelles and even E-body Mopars. All of which, I happen to love as well. They'll always be popular and I'll always find a challenge when working on them. It's refreshing to see something different come across my desk once in a while though. Perhaps it's the lure of uncharted territory or a chance to give that awkward teenage geek a fighting chance. Who knows.
At the very least, it's a good way to show off some ideas for inspiration to the people that are non-conformists and happen to love the C and D-list cars and shoveling money into them to make THEIR dream car isn't a concern. Would I buy one of these and build it? Probably not but it's sure cheap to draw up what a really cool build could look like.