Making some progress, I got the AC all vacumed, purged and filled with freon.
I was having issues with leakes.on radiator hoses, but have now got those all corrected.
The small steam vent hose was giving me the most trouble dripping down on the other two hoses making it look like they were the problem.
I was also having an issue with my new Pro 5.0 shifter. I was barely able to get into first gear and reverse, after further looking at the shifter and some go ogling I was able to determine that the GTO T56 that I am using needed the shifter lever swapped out with shorter one from a camaro T56, oh well live and learn.
Got the grill, bumper and headlight trim installed.
It took some digging to figure out this little known fact that the Camaro uses the shorter shifter lever on the left.