Originally Posted by D-$
Just a thought since your early in the build any thoughts on running conduit for things like power or internet out to the shop from the house? Seems from the pictures would be easy to add some conduit for some cat 6 cables at the very least. Even if you wanted to wireless in the shop having some cat 6 out there to the shop and add wifi from the shop would be much better experience. Just a thought.
Yeah I'm running the conduit this weekend from my panel out to the shop corner. The ground is being put in a few feet back from that leading corner. Luckily the panel will support it.
Originally Posted by GregWeld
Not sure how I missed this! WTF --- that's going to be so sweet!
Love the tree --- it's a hassle but I get it..... In the end - you'll have the tree and a shop!
Thanks Greg. Yeah I was adamant about keeping that Olive tree out front. It's almost 100 years old and part of an original orchard that dominated that area. The oak could fall and I could care less.
Originally Posted by clill
And your jobsite foreman is a Boston Terrier !!!!!!!!!!! 
Ok that dog is the best damn dog I have ever owned. Super ugly, always smells like death- even during the actual bath, and the dominant dog in the yard. However, she's incredibly smart, fast, and loyal. She's killed three moles and two birds since we started this project. She always puts the moles down on the footing trenches.