Hello everyone.
Im getting married soon and now its time to celebrate.
This is an open invitation for those who would like to come out and race their car at a real track.
Button Willow raceway Park in Bakersfield Ca.
If your a beginner no problem. This is a track clinic which consists of a short class, ride along with an instructor, lunch and then open track from 12:30-4:30. There is passing in certain areas, no bump and grind racing allowed.
So far we have 18 cars and the max is 65 so we have lots of room. The nor cal Z06 club will be there, and an Elenore clone if she is ready by then.
Normal price for this is $195 but we are being given a group discount of $170 per car and driver, which includes lunch.The date set is for Saturday July 16th so bring your friends and familly and join us for a day of racing.
Register by June 1st and remember to mention "Vince's bachelor party". Let me know if you are interested. Thanks, Vince