Originally Posted by Flash68
It's great to see on such a generally "financially wasteful" site like a car forum that many are taking to this and running with it, or using it get their financial house back in order.
This thread is the anti-thread on Lat G.
I'll throw something out there... I have been wanting to get into some AAPL but have been waiting for a pullback recently. This article gives me some technical support behind my waiting which I thought some might find interesting. Basically I am waiting for the next scheduled 12% pullback to buy in (see chart within article).
While you're WAITING -- the market is moving relentlessly ahead leaving you behind.
There's an old saying - "Don't fight the FED"... which means ya got to join 'em... and they (the FED) has vowed to keep interest rates low...
Next oldest saying... "when interest rates die (stay low) stocks will fly".
See how the two are linked?
Get into Apple before you miss out on the next $50 move. Or move on and get into something else that you "trust". Never ever never ever buy a stock that scares you to own. Doing so will insure that you'll be what's known on Wall Street as a "weak hand" (play poker? You'll know what betting with a weak hand does to you). This should have been in the first post on this thread.
I have pounded the table over and over about owning stocks you know and understand... and owing best of breed... and being able to hold these stocks during down periods. You have to be comfortable living in your own skin so to speak.... or you get your ass handed to you.
So here's the scenario.... You buy Apple EXPECTING it to go to $600.... You're in at $550... Suddenly something in the news affects the market and Apple (and the whole market) pull back... and now it's trading at $475. You freak out and sell.
I laugh my ass off while buying your sell... and the week after you sell - Apple announces sales and record profits and 3 new products and jumps right back to $550 and the week after that trades to $600.
I'm only using APPLE as an example here. I own NO shares in the company. The INVESTING 102 point is --- don't buy something you don't want to own long term - believe in long term - and can afford to hold long term. This ain't GAMBLING -- it's INVESTING.
Ask yourself if you truly believe that this company can grow from here... can they continue to be best of breed... can they gain market share...
If not -- then you're just being a "momentum" player and momentum players operate quickly and get in and out of stocks for a $1 share gain... They don't care about the company - they just care about which way the stock is going that they own for this 15 seconds.
So -- go to the mall -- stand in front of an Apple store for an hour.... do you like what you see? Is this a company you want to own?
Now -- Let's use INVESTING 102 -- for another "lesson" (I hate calling it that).
$550 per share... if it goes to $600 you'd be UP 10%. Wonderful.
I get 13% in CASH on my Annaly (NLY) shares... regardless of whether or not the share price goes up or down. I get 14% on my Chesapeake (CHKR) shares... I get 8% on HYG (corporate bond etf)... GOOD MARKET OR BAD I GET THOSE RETURNS.
This is why I say - when it comes to investing -- you have CHOICES for what you want to do with your money.
If you have 100 grand invested in good solid stuff and want to play the pure growth of a stock like Apple -- I'd buy it in a heartbeat... but if this is most of your investment money -- or half of it then it's not where I personally would be. If you have a spare 10 or 50 grand that you can just go toss in the street and you want to just park some money and HOPE it's going to go up... then that's the kind of money I'd use for these kinds of buys. Again - just using Apple as an example --- cause it's just one of many. But I'd sure put money in Apple before anything else...