Originally Posted by GregWeld
Do you want to attach these and then just be able to remove them without leaving any trace?? That's going to be tough... and have them stay on at speed.
Are they just for looks or do you think you really need them to achieve the speed goal? I would think if it's for "aero" that smoothing the underbelly of the car would be more beneficial and you could build panels to do that that are removable and not mangle the looks of the car or the "paint". Properly placed tabs and or threaded nut-serts or Dzus fasteners and that sort of thing.
They disrupt the air if you slide sideways so your car doesn't act like a giant wing and are required in LSR if you want to go over the 200 mark. I have no interest in having them on my car except that they are required for me to run where I want to run. They do not aid in increasing speed in any way. Strictly a safety device.