Originally Posted by moneypit68
I was definitely going to say it was a short in the wiring. How’d the turn signal short out? I’d take a look and see what else is rubbing and could eventually short. Wish I did the same before I lit my Cadillac on fire as a teenager with terrible speaker wiring haha.
I hear that! But the truck is wired very cleanly. Not to say mistakes can't happen, but I think it was the old LED bulb/ bulb socket interface. In other words, when I wiggled the bulb in the socket, it would flicker the bulb, then blow the fuse. Finally my fiddling with it blew out the bulb. A loud pop....then a dead bulb. I cut open the socket fixture and wiring shielding. Could not see any issue. Replaced the socket assembly and the bulbs, and they now don't flicker when you wiggle the bulbs. A much more stable setup. I'm calling it good to go.
Thanks for the input. Always appreciated.