In continuing with my custom grill design, I had a few setbacks with having it 3D printed for test fitting. I was trying to save money and be cost effective by doing it out of foam at first, but that didn't work. They could never get the foam thick enough. So, I went ahead and opted for the 3D printed version. Here is the initial design. Still working on the mesh part. I'm pretty much locked in on the hex shapes. But the most important part are the dimensions and fit before sending the file to EVOD for CNC'ing. The mesh design can always be changed. Per Shaun at EVOD, the overall CNC cost will be significantly cheaper if the grill is made in two-halves and will bolt together in the center. Two billet blocks will be cheaper than one huge block to make the grill a one piece. Also, I picked up a NOS Caprice license plate holder from Ebay after Stielow posted it in his thread. I really needed this as I have the Ring Brothers battery charging ports where the fuel filler used to be. I had already been worried about how I'd charge the battery when the connections are in and the pressure from the Camaro license plate holder would be applied to them. The "flip down and stay" option of the Caprice plate frame holder was right on time.