Originally Posted by Garage Dog 65
Oh My God ! What car - where ??!!
You sir are one BRAVE car builder !!!
Best of luck
Hahaha...thanks....I think
I have never actually done anything this extensive. I did basic paint/body work about about 15 years ago when I was in highschool......and I have always tinkered with cars, but like I said nothing ever this extensive. This is going to be a several year build....like 10-15! I usually only work on the car 1 day a week on a day off from work and in between spending time with my wife and little girl. Also I am not made of money (as most of us aren't) so my build will progress as I have the money to do what I want. I have a plan in what I want the final outcome to be....now it's just getting to that point. I could never pay someone to do what I could learn or do myself.....therefore I am going to try and do about 90% of this build. If I could ever decide on some color/wheel combo's I would pm Carter Hickman about an Artist rendering. However I am way to indecisive at this stage and it will be many many years before I get to the paint stage. My goal this year is to get all the new sheet metal back on and have a complete steel body in epoxy. My focus next year will be all the suspension and wheels. Then I will have to save for like 5 years and rob my daughter's college fund to get my motor/tranny
(If my wife heard that she would kill me!)