Along the lines of the "what ifs" such as the POSSIBLE rising interest rate scenario... I think the
FAR BIGGER DEAL that will affect the stock market is the election in November.
While the PRESIDENTIAL race is very important for "investors" (and the general public) the CONGRESSIONAL races are far MORE IMPORTANT.... A democratic SENATE and HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES will and I should underline WILL..... raise the tax rates on anything and everything they see as their personal piggy bank (your wallet). THAT will affect what people invest in etc.
Dividends - that now enjoy a 15% tax rate are highly competitive with other investments because of that rate. Raise that rate to ordinary tax rates and that competitive edge just gets blown away. People like me - with LARGE incomes from dividends WILL find other homes for their money. Muni bond rates are LOW right now precisely because of the advantage dividends enjoy. A 3% TAX FREE rate of return is not so hot when a guy can buy a 5.5% (or higher) dividend and pay ONLY a 15% tax.
What AMERICANS forget is that the PRESIDENT DOES NOT MAKE LAW -- CONGRESS and the HOUSE DO! So in my book -- those selections are far more important when it comes to who I vote for as my Senators and Representatives (Dem or Rep) because it's those jackazzs (BOTH PARTIES IMHO) that rule the roost... NOT the President. While he's the leader and the big voice -- he doesn't make the rules -- those 535 OTHER GUYS do!
Right now -- the main reason we have INACTION on almost anything - is because of the REPUBLICAN House -- vs -- the DEMOCRATIC Senate. The house is voting one way and the senate the opposite - therefore NOTHING gets done.
I AM NOT DISCUSSING POLITICS HERE.... this is not "I'm voting for Obama or I'm voting for Romney" discussion. Let's not go there because it is a bottomless pit of one guy against the other....
I AM SAYING -- PAY ATTENTION to what changes and who you vote for in these (IMHO) far more important races because the outcome WILL - (underline WILL) affect you!
If you want real change (one way or the other - I'm not saying which way YOU should vote here) then it's the change in the make up of these two legislative bodies that will make the big difference.