Unlimited photo and albums. Can save, sort etc. as Ben described. Easy enough to use and fits what we need. Never tried posting a direct photo link though.
Anybody else having issues with photobucket lately? It's so clogged up with garbage ads it barely loads for me even with 60 M internet, and it often locks up and crashes. What a waste of time it's become.
What are some of the better free alternatives for photo storage?
Yeah, for the last couple of months, PB has sucked!
Do you guys having issues with photobucket run ad blocking software? I do and have wondered if the long delay when it seems like nothing is happening is because of my AdBlock app.
For what it's worth, once the initial long delay happens and whatever ad is in cue finally pops up...I can make it go away and then it all seems to work fine. it's just that initial delay when you are trying to post a quick picture up that is such a pain.
1985 Monte Carlo SS Street Car
It's so cheap and easy to use, why beat your head against the wall? The pictures never move, they are easy to link and imbed, no ads, more importantly no waiting for ads to load, and a great app so the pictures are always available if I have a signal.
All of the for 3 bucks a month.......a dime a day.
I've been using SmugMug for 6+ years now and have been very satisfied. No ads, no invasive up selling, good speed, great mobile access and uploading, no security breaches. Well worth the small annual fee IMO.
FWIW - I currently have 64,199 photos on their site.