I am better now. I had to go pick up my son from College (who by the way dropped two classes without consulting Mr. Money first
By the way Mr. money looks just like me. . Worst part was he did it one day after they would refund your money-1200 bucks down the ****ter). another 400.00 and I could have purchased my Big Stuff 3. By the way he let me know this at the end of the semester(last night on the ride home). I know you are thinking- He picked his son up from school? Yes! That is where I took his vehicle from him after his mid term grades came and his first and second cell phone bill for 380.00 (distributor) and 400.00 (Wiring harness) came.
If he weren't the lone and sole bearer of the Hall seed, I'd have killed him already.
I feel much better now.
Now what was this post about?