Would I buy a non-certified lift if I was going to use it 10-15 times a day in a shop? Probably not...
But my Atlas lift which was most likely made in China has lifted and held my 6700# truck up for weeks at a time over the past 10 years I've had it with no signs of failure anywhere. It has also held my Monte up through countless rebuilds, raised my lawnmower, lifted heavy items out of my truck and made a pretty good clothes rack during a garage sale too.
One has to be smart and load the weight on it correctly and pay attention...but I wouldn't brand all Chinese lifts as failure prone nor would I say someone needs a $10,000 lift for hobby use at their house just because it has a safety certificate on it.
I spent a week under the front of this truck a couple months ago completely removing and rebuilding the whole front suspension, was never once concerned.