Originally Posted by black2002ls
if they are the little touch up cans and you bought them from wal mart, then I'm pretty sure they are the lacquers. It will say on the can if it is the acrylic enamel. If it is NOT the acrylic enamel, they can be sanded within 24 hours. I've completed paint jobs primer to clear in 24 hours spraying duplicolor
yeah that's what they are .. got em from the auto parts store. the paint doesn't specify but the clear says that if i wait more than an hour after applying the color i must wait 7 days. basically, according to the instructions, i could have finished the complete job in an hour but if i wait longer than that is when i have to wait. I mean, i'll give it a shot if you think so cause i hate waiting (i started 2 other cars for that reason). the color started drying very fast ... in minutes it wasn't even tacky and it'll be 3 full days today. every bit of the milky effect went away and it actually looks pretty good with the exception of orange peal. i mean, for my first go and thinking i messed it up, it's not half bad ... or i should say, i'm surprised. thanks for the help btw.