I can certainly do it, but it isn't rocket surgery. This is the big Holley wiring manual:
The document is hyperlinked, so go to the second page and click on Wiring Appendix.
Scroll to Figure 24 on page 37. That the wiring diagram for your engine harness. You are not going to touch any of the wires on the main harness side, but only on the coil sub harness. We are only concerned with 4 wires, specifically the ones going to cavities G, F, C, B. Those are the ignition trigger for each coil.
The triggers are on cavity C of each coil connector. The wire from cavity C on cylinder #1 should go to cavity G on the 8 cavity connector....So...
Cylinder #1 goes to G
Cylinder #3 goes to F
Cylinder #5 goes to C
Cylinder #7 goes to B
Let me know if you have any questions.