Originally Posted by compos mentis
Heard this today..."Too many people buy things on a 'lay-awake-plan'.
Haha. I have Insomnia due to anti seizure medication, but NEVER do I lay awake thinking about what I am Invested in.
If What I am Invested in keeps me up at night, it is the wrong investment.
You have to know why you own what you own, and what your strategy is. Short, Mid, and Long term.
Otherwise sell it...And buy something you can sleep with.
Also being debt free except the fixed low rate home loan and not in debt up to your eye balls, and also having the stormy day fund of several months available will let you sleep well.
Being Leveraged heavily is not a good thing. Owning what you have and living within your means is King.
Too many did not do that and 2008 wiped them out... That is insane...
OK, enough of my soap box...