Originally Posted by sik68
Investors, here's an excerpt from The Intelligent Investor that really slaps you upside the head when we think to deviate from the rules in Investing 101...
Although it speaks about the un-sustainability of over-concentrating, it also shows that wealth is not about striking it rich, but is really about having the intelligence to grow money over time. I suppose that's the point GW keeps making regarding luck. Luck is certainly a part of the equation to get rich "quickly" and "easily"... but it's only the kindling. Turning riches into wealth takes intelligence and time.
Stay the course!
GW, I'm rooting for you on the 400 list!
Good points made here! Very good points.
You know - really - there are so many OLD sayings that actually MEAN SOMETHING if you care to listen.
Pigs get fat - HOGS get slaughtered
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Nobody ever went broke taking a profit
I've said it a 100 times -- none of this is complicated. WE try to make it complicated.... because WE think we're smarter or WE think we can't loose... or WE think this is the sure thing...
<<<<< BUZZER >>>>>
Just buy good stuff -- best of breed names -- keep adding to the pile.... re-invest the dividends -- don't hawk your house -- strive to get debt free by retirement....
Then you dudes could come skiing with me in Sun Valley... go racin' with Charlie... and just generally mess around!
BTW --- I'm a long long long ways from making ANY lists except my wife's S**T list.