Originally Posted by glassman
And Todd, since you see this everyday in your job, is living within your means....
I have to chime in here -- on the whole "living within your means".
It's FAR FAR easier to live within your means if you have plenty of "means". LOL
I've had this discussion many times with many of my friends. I've always been very open about money - money management - and discussions like this aren't and shouldn't be embarrassing. They ARE embarrassing if you are embarrassed by your own personal situation. By that I mean --- if you're one of those people that APPEAR to be doing well.... driving the new Audi - New house - out to dinner all the time - etc.... and your cards are about maxed out... and if you lost your job next week -- you couldn't make your next house payment... YEAH -- you should probably not be discussing your finances without being embarrassed. You're EGO is driving you to bankruptcy. You need help but your ego would never allow you to actually get some.
I'm saying this hypothetically -- to "America" -- not to anyone here. The people here are (I presume) working to help themselves and improve their financial situation.
I've never ever had anyone tell me their cards are maxed and they can barely make the minimum payment. EVERYONE always makes the blanket statement "I always pay my cards in full every month". While I'd really like to believe it - and really hope that it's true.... the majority of people just ARE NOT doing that. They are managing their money by keeping their PAYMENTS in check -- and in the meantime are paying 18 or more percent interest.
To the investors here -- how many of you would L - O - V - E to be earning 18% dividend on your investments???? HOLY COW --- I'D BE RICH!!!!