Originally Posted by legend
in all things apart from horsepower moderation is the key. I agree with the above, but it's not license to chug butter
I do think that people 50 years ago probably ate better than we do now.
Yes back then real food was still being produced. Go even further back and they were eating very clean.
We are taught from a young age, butter bad! fat bad! cholesterol bad! The truth is if our body doesn't have enough cholesterol our liver will produce it.
No one should chug butter but no one should hold back either.. the idea is to get real butter made from grass fed cows. Your body needs it and its a crucial element for the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Certain animal fats are excellent for you too
I'm currently on the hunt for raw milk from grass fed cows. Here in MO it's illegal for a supermarket to sell that but it is legal for me to buy direct from a dairy farmer. Raw milk from grass fed cows tastes amazing... after trying some of friends supply, I never want to drink dead sugarized milk again.
We also started going to the local farmers market for our fruit and veggies. I picked up some local honey made just across the river from us and so far no allergies this fall! The local organic produce is great too. Our neighbor sells eggs from grass fed chickens too.. you can tell by the difference in the yolks.. a dark orange is good...supermarket eggs from 'happy farms' will be a pale yellow.
Anyway I'm rambling now... my point is don't believe all this nonsense we are taught.. special interests are influencing based on their profit motive.