Originally Posted by Vegas69
Looks like my purchase of Costco was just in time.
That's the thing about investing. There's never a good time in anyone's mind. That's the biggest hurdle to get over. Doesn't make any difference if a guy is buying $100 -- $1000 -- $10,000 or a million at a time.... I personally guarantee the stock you picked WILL be lower than your cost basis at some point. Usually 15 minutes after a guy buys. I will also guarantee the shares will be higher right after you sell. It's that long space in-between where the money is made.
The other day I decided to cut my holdings in British Petroleum Prudhoe Bay Trust (BPT) by half... I held 20,000 shares and while it pays a huge dividend percentage -- There's other stuff I want to buy -- and I like to always have pretty substantial cash positions. So I put in a limit sell order at $92 - which was well above the current trades... I put in orders like that and then go do something else. If they get sold fine - if not - the shares are still in my account and we'll try it another day. Of course they sold - and the shares closed the day at $92.50. 50 cents per share @ 10,000 shares is $5,000.... So I left a little on the table. But I don't get caught up in that - because I know I'll never ever get it "right". I just do what I want/need to do. I still had a very nice gain in the shares on top of the outsized dividends collected.
My point -- it takes time to get over "losing" the last nickel of gain.... and it takes time to get your mind right that no matter when you buy - you probably could have waited and bought cheaper. In the long run - it just doesn't matter.
You do get used to it.
Kind of like the housing market. Most must sell to buy another.... we wouldn't buy another if we thought the market was going to hell.. so at some point we must put up a for sale sign -- close a deal - and take the plunge into the next home. We just KNOW that it's going up over time so we're okay with it. I never can figure out why that's okay but stocks are thought of differently.