Originally Posted by GregWeld
Solar --- What you've done is both smart and lucky.... you have to be smart enough to make some luck!
Anyone that is buying properties NOW -- they're lucky that someone else took a big hit on it -- and you're SMART buying at these depressed prices! That building I just bought (I'm the bank only) for my brother in law -- cost $600K to build -- He bought for $335K -- how can that not be good for him long term??He's lucky I can bankroll it for him (6% interest), but HE is smart making the move.
The oldest saying in the Universe (thanks AL!) is BUY LOW, SELL HIGH.... it aint' rocket science!!
When we look at those long term charts of good stocks.... IF -- IF -- they continue on the historic path -- they SHOULD BE higher over time... as should real estate. My bet is - if you wait to see when they're going higher - you're already late. Sometimes it's just hard to take the plunge when things don't look so hot. The folks that do - they're the lucky ones! Or are they just being smart enough to create their own luck?
Well I always say that Luck is the meeting of preparation and opportunity.
I had been preparing and all the numbers were wrong.. The house i ending up buying was sold for 660K in 2006...I ended up getting it for 267K..in late 2008. it is holding at about 330K, which should be the bottom for several years..But it is home, and i don't plan it in the retirement mix until very late in the game...had i bought six months sooner, I would be down 100K.. i was lucky, because we both know you can't time the bottom...being close enough would have been ok, but i hit it just right..
You are right , partially by creating my own luck, and partially by being at that moment in history, 2008..
your thread has made me look back and forward.. None of my investments have done bad, I just know i would have done even better, had I followed my gut even more..
my money management skills got me to where I am.. Being a somewhat novice investor, I could have even done better, but that is part of the learning...
Oh , and you can call me Mike...I was a Solar guy until 2009..When I changed my life after the crash.. I invested my way to wealth. took a big risk in 2008/2009..
And thanks for the words of encouragement..I have been studying investing, money management, the housing bubble before it happened,ect.., for a while now...Late starter but quick learner.
This studying has by far been the best thing in my life.. The rewards are life changing for me, and my family..
so thanks for the thumbs up, and all your advise and opinions...