Okay parts update.
The Mallory Crank Trigger for the project came in today.
Thanks to Mike Lee at Race Proven Motors for the support.
Temporary Curtain to keep the heat in the back half of the garage.
Wait till you see the permanent curtain.
It's all organized and ready to work.
So in the end.
16 - 2 x 8 x 20 foot boards
21 - 2 x 6 x 8 foot boards
10 - 4 x 8 x 1/2" sheets of plywood
3 - 8.6' x 11.6' Tarps
1 - Attic Ladder
1 - Fluorescent Light
4800 Staples (arm really hurts)
One Hammer Stapler
6 Rolls of R-13 Insulation
5 Rolls of R-19 Insulation
146 Pro Vents for the Vaulted Ceiling (not foreseen in the budget)
2 - Craftsman Rolling tool chests (also not in the budget)
It's complete and I'm to tired to work on the truck.
Did I also mention my wife never complained once during this project and all the hours I spent working in my garage.