I've mentioned Foundation One here ---- this is an expensive - not covered by insurance - Genomic Sequencing testing biz.....
$6,500 or so will get you a comprehensive result for which drugs will, or have, had good results with chemotherapy..... or if there are clinical trials specific to your type of cells.... or any other useful information that might help guide the docs (mostly yourself) to some form of treatment(s).
I had hoped mine would come back with a specific "mutation" that KEYTRUDA treats..... but no such luck. At least I know.
This is a 62 page 'report' -- but the box on the front page is all that is important initially...... and sadly mine sucks.
FIRST identifies mutations and markers.......
Sorry it's hard to read the columns ---- but basically it matches these mutations or markers with any KNOWN chemo treatment that works on it -- or clinical trials - Targeted therapy, etc. There are many TYPES of cancer -- Lung - Liver - Bone - but what's IMPORTANT is what cellular makeup is the cancer ---- because then you can really drill down on finding something known to be effective on THOSE CELLS !!