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Old 12-27-2013, 07:48 PM
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Kind of odd what a guy can read on a car forum. Glad you posted this a long time ago and it kept going.

Three years ago December I weighed 316, and my Doctor told me to fix it, so I spent nine months dropping 90 pounds. Long story short i gained 66 pounds back over the last two years.

I have to get back to what I was doing then, and many of the things I have read over the last hour is what I did. I started slow on the exercise, walking a mile, then running five miles six days a week because I was addicted to it. I was burnt out at the end and just quit. I was doing a 1600 calorie a day diet the nutritionist put me on to lose weight fast, and I just never took myself off of it, so that burnt me out.

I wrote everything in a book, and that tip is a great one, you learn what everything is calorie "wise", it drove my wife crazy to go to the store with her, lol. She is a runner, has been for years, 20 miles a week.

Thanks Todd, and everyone else, my fat ass is now motivated again. I think checking in here is what I need.

Semper Fi

My 68 Torino
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Old 12-30-2013, 12:15 PM
Tony_SS Tony_SS is offline
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Originally Posted by wanman View Post
Kind of odd what a guy can read on a car forum. Glad you posted this a long time ago and it kept going.

Three years ago December I weighed 316, and my Doctor told me to fix it, so I spent nine months dropping 90 pounds. Long story short i gained 66 pounds back over the last two years.

I have to get back to what I was doing then, and many of the things I have read over the last hour is what I did. I started slow on the exercise, walking a mile, then running five miles six days a week because I was addicted to it. I was burnt out at the end and just quit. I was doing a 1600 calorie a day diet the nutritionist put me on to lose weight fast, and I just never took myself off of it, so that burnt me out.

I wrote everything in a book, and that tip is a great one, you learn what everything is calorie "wise", it drove my wife crazy to go to the store with her, lol. She is a runner, has been for years, 20 miles a week.

Thanks Todd, and everyone else, my fat ass is now motivated again. I think checking in here is what I need.

Joe, start with your DIET first. If you want to loose weight, stop eating any and all form of Wheat. That is your challenge #1. You WILL see weight melt off and you will stop craving sugar. This is job #1. Cut out ALL wheat and your health will not only improve (less inflammation, better digestion) but you'll also start losing weight.

Forget the exercise - this is how people fail. Get your diet straight first. And its not a diet of restrictions, it's simply changing what you eat.
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Old 12-30-2013, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Vegas69 View Post
I think it's about time I updated this thread. Merry Christmas all!
Looks like you gave up dairy? That is one issue too, where you might have a slight allergy too, or not. I know dairy does cause inflammation which generally wreaks havoc on some people's sinuses.
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Old 01-01-2014, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by wanman View Post
Kind of odd what a guy can read on a car forum. Glad you posted this a long time ago and it kept going.

Three years ago December I weighed 316, and my Doctor told me to fix it, so I spent nine months dropping 90 pounds. Long story short i gained 66 pounds back over the last two years.

I have to get back to what I was doing then, and many of the things I have read over the last hour is what I did. I started slow on the exercise, walking a mile, then running five miles six days a week because I was addicted to it. I was burnt out at the end and just quit. I was doing a 1600 calorie a day diet the nutritionist put me on to lose weight fast, and I just never took myself off of it, so that burnt me out.

I wrote everything in a book, and that tip is a great one, you learn what everything is calorie "wise", it drove my wife crazy to go to the store with her, lol. She is a runner, has been for years, 20 miles a week.

Thanks Todd, and everyone else, my fat ass is now motivated again. I think checking in here is what I need.

Joe, glad to hear you are motivated to change in 2014. It really comes down to a simple new discipline repeated everyday.

My advice is to find something more sustainable this time around. From the outside looking in, your calorie intake is low for that much exercise and your size. If you are losing weight to quickly, you are not going to stick with it long term. You will be hungry far to often and lack the stamina to keep up with your exercise program. Adjust your calorie intake to lose a few pounds a week. Maybe 2000-2200? You'll have to find your own sweet spot by tracking your calories consumed vs. burned teamed with the scale and body fat.

Next, I think you are killing yourself with that much running. I can't run that much. Shoot for 4 days per week in the 30-45 minute range. Work in some strength training to gain strength and muscle to aid in calorie burning.

The key is LIFESTYLE change that you can live with until the end of time. Sure there will be days where it will take all the discipline you can muster but it sure beats the alternative. Keep checking in with your progress as I'll be happy to keep you accountable. I'd also urge you to tell your Wife, Kids, and Friends to twist the screw on yourself. Set goals with specific dates, weights, body fat, etc...

Good luck!!!

Originally Posted by Tony_SS View Post
Looks like you gave up dairy? That is one issue too, where you might have a slight allergy too, or not. I know dairy does cause inflammation which generally wreaks havoc on some people's sinuses.
Hey Tony, Hope you are well buddy. I haven't given up dairy but my intake has diminished dramatically. My nutrition has been that way for 6 months or greater. I still like my pizza and will allow light cheese on some meals out. It's my opinion that it's what you do a majority of the time that makes the greatest difference.
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Old 01-01-2014, 06:49 PM
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Post one major goal for 2014 and how you plan to get there?

I'll start....

My biggest goal from 2014 is to become MODERATELY OPTIMISTIC. It's no secret that I've studied personal development extremely hard since mid 2012. The psychological posts don't seem to gain the steam the nutrition/fitness posts do but it's just as crucial to your health. Mental AND Physical.

I just finished my second book specifically on happiness and optimism.http://www.amazon.com/Learned-Optimi...arned+optimism I've gotten to the point where things have leveled off. I've made some major positive changes in my life and succeeded in achieving big goals. All my studies lead me down the optimism road to grab the next rung on the ladder. I must rewire my brain to become a more optimistic person.

I'm sure you are thinking, how the hell is this guy going to become more optimistic? First of all, you can grow up to be optimistic or pessimistic and it's largely based on your influences as a child. The greatest influence is your mother and her EXPLANATORY style. That means how good and bad events are explained. The 2nd is teachers and other parents, followed by bad events. To find out how optimistic or pessimistic you are, take this test:
http://www.stanford.edu/class/msande...earnedOpt.html What I found is that I'm Moderately Pessimistic. I need to move up two levels this year to get where I want to be which is Moderately Optimistic. After taking the test, analyzing the results, and reading the entire book, it makes perfect sense to me.

I found:
I'm Optimistic when it comes to bouncing back from the bad/negativity.
I'm Optimistic when it comes to letting the bad/negative effect that specific part of my life. Meaning, I don't let a bad day at work, keep me from working out.
My HOPE score was optimistic. I believe in my future.
I'm Pessimistic in how I explain bad/negative events. My tendency is to take on responsibility which isn't warranted. That is partially due to my leadership training and feeling it's the right thing in some instances but the balance bar is out of whack.
I'm pessimistic in how I explain the good/wins. I give others to much credit for my wins.
I'm pessimistic in how I celebrate my good/wins. I barely trip over my success and major goals obtained. My tendency is to not enjoy them nearly enough.

The moral of the story is I had no idea what made someone optimistic or pessimistic to this degree.

For instance:
You do exceptionally well in a job interview:
Pessimistic: I felt extremely confident during the interview.
Optimistic: I interview well.
In this case you are giving yourself credit that day versus overall.

You have a wonderful time at a party:
Pessimistic: Everyone was friendly.
Optimistic: I was friendly.
You give credit to others vs yourself.

You run for community office and lose:
Pessimistic: I didn't campaign hard enough.
Optimistic: The person who won knew more people.
You take on the blame when it was hopefully out of your control and did the best you could.

These are just a few examples and clearly it gets much deeper than this...

Facts about Optimists:
Believe setbacks are temporary and confined to one case.
They believe defeat is not their fault. (Blame circumstanced, others, etc when warranted)
Take a bad situation perceive it as a challenge and try harder as a result.
They live longer on average.
They have less sickness.
They make better use of opportunities.
They bounce back faster from adversity.
Over 50 major companies use a similar test to above to hire.
See the world through rose colored glasses.

Tend to suffer from depression more often.
Tend to believe bad events will last a long time and undermine everything they do, and it's their fault.
See the world realistically. (To realistically)
Take on excess personal responsibility.
Have less faith and hope.
Tend to be wiser overall....

Now, there are instances where pessimism still rules. Companies must have some moderate pessimists to keep the balance. The marketing and sales department are optimists and the cpa is pessimistic.

However, in general you are better off being on the optimistic side of the equation for countless reasons. This book is interesting because they were able to predict almost every presidential election in the last 80 years, sports championships, on down the line using EXPLANTORY style and analyzing video tape and newspapers. Even certain religions are more optimistic than others and it does have a major effect.

To change, you must figure out your tendencies from the test above and change your EXPLANATORY style.

You can fight the bad/negative thoughts by disputing them between your ears. One of the major points I got from the book is your own negative thoughts are no different than criticism from a stranger. Fight fire with fire. You must dispute your own tendencies by finding a positive explanation. What it comes down to is the art of learning to talk to yourself in an optimistic approach.

You can also employ the distraction technique. If you just can't let go of a negative circumstance, schedule a time later to think it over so it takes a back seat. You can also distract yourself numerous ways.

The whole premise of the book is to employ "Learned Optimism". It's a major tool at your option that you can choose to employ with judgment. There will still be times when you should be a pessimist. However, a majority of the time, you can choose Optimism, you just need to know how.

Last edited by Vegas69; 01-01-2014 at 08:26 PM.
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Old 01-01-2014, 07:29 PM
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So true, so true.

I went through a "mental" health year in '13. Had a brain scan by the Amen Clinics in Janruary and started seeing a pyshcologist in Dec '12. I've been through a lot of "strange" hardships. The way i see it, is that destiny, which you cannot control sometimes, helps to "chisel" your being. Kind of a "when life gives you lemons" kinda thing.

So, having ADHD, severe Anxiety, IBS, Acid Reflux, several (3) different tendon related surgeries, (not to mention having very close family members sh$t on you for there own greedy means, business partners "stealing", IRS going after me for "giving" too much money away, witnessing several deaths, some personal trials with being abused as a child, the list goes on..)....you HAVE to pick up the pieces and do the best with what ya got. And learn from your own mistakes as well. People will continue to disappoint, but people will also continue to suprise you, and thats what we live for.

Also, in my case, that has giving me much drive, resolve and other positive attributes that have paid dividends. A VERY healthy 25 year marriage, oldest child (23) in his second year of a doctorate program in physcology, middle child (21) studying to be a music & special ed teacher up in Chico, and a nineteen year old daughter whose in her second year of college (now studying to become a female pastor) and a list of employees who work for my company that give it their "all", cream of the crop so to say, but definately a blessing...

So what a lot of these trials and tribulations have taught me is to be always loving, forgiving, patient (which i am not, but learning), kind to others (even when they don't deserve it, man, thats a tough one)....amongst other things.

You only get one shot at this thing we call life, give it your all and dont leave anything on the table.

Happy New Year to all!!!!
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Old 01-01-2014, 08:37 PM
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Wow Mike, you've certainly had your fair share of adversity. Thanks for sharing..

I agree, adversity develops your Character and I think it can be said that Optimism fits into the mold of Character. How do you handle the downward pull of life and how fast can you move on and get back on track? This book really gave me unique perspective and understanding that I feel will result in a more positive mental attitude and more tools to continue building the Character I desire.

You certainly have a lot to be thankful for and based on your marriage, children, and business. Based on those fact I have to conclude that you are a man of great Character. Keep chiseling!

Great thoughts at the end of your post.

Last edited by Vegas69; 01-01-2014 at 08:43 PM.
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Old 01-01-2014, 10:58 PM
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Thanx Todd, and we do need to encourage each other on here, kinda like having a "workout" partner to "push" you....

but one more thought on the brain scan, i went in for severe ADHD, i'm both physically hyper and mentally hyper. So my therapist and the psychatrist both thought i had "ring of fire" ADHD, which is the worst of the eight different types.. Turns out I dont have the ring of fire type but the anxiety is overruling in my case, but they did discover that my brain suffered a TBI (traumatic brain injury) at some point, but there is no record of such incident (i cant remember haha) according to my parents or me for that matter. The doc is recommending "hyperbaric" treatment but its cutting edge therapy....Its like 9 grand for the chamber and nobody around here rents them out....meanwhile, its diet, exercise, and trying to "calm" down at work, cause stress is relative to your state of mind (a surgeon should be under great stress during surger, cause if he eff's up....well you know)....so it should be interesting as i look into this type of therapy...

body, mind & soul....
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Old 01-08-2014, 10:59 AM
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My bosses son had ADHD and was on drugs to deal with it. One day the kid came into work with his Dad drinking a soda and eating doughnuts. Hmmm. I wonder where he's getting that ADHD from? The kid's on a permanent sugar high. *facepalm*

Self admitted pessimist checking in here. At least I can admit it. lol. I know where I get it from too.. Thanks MOM.

One thing I try to instil in my kids: "Whether you think you can or can't, you are right"
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Last edited by Tony_SS; 01-08-2014 at 01:55 PM.
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Old 01-30-2014, 12:52 PM
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This thread need a wake up........

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