Health: A delicate balance of body, mind, and soul.
The mind can devour a healthy body and a rotten body can shape the attitude of a sound mind. A lack of faith in yourself, your future, and something bigger than yourself can bankrupt you in the form of joy, happiness, and fulfillment.
Which makes the greatest difference? That's a tough question. They all make a large contribution to ultimate health. My opinion is that you can have a sound body and mind and still lack great spirit. I know that great strides in a healthier body and mind lead to greater happiness and being. At some point they do become the new "normal" and that new car smell wears off. I think that a healthy spirit can lead to long term fulfillment.
Some of the majors:
Productivity: We must produce positive results. Whether it's work, marriage, or family. Do the best you can.
Friendships/Helping Others: Friends can be a great support system. Investing your time for the benefit of another is one of life's greatest sustainable joys.
Exercise: The body is meant to move, stretch, and be challenged. Start with a walk around the block if you have to. Four thirty minute workouts a weeks is all you need. You can't find the time?
Nutrition: Study, Track, Experiment... You are what you eat. I don't personally believe that you need to be a Vegan. I also don't believe you should eat a 20 oz steak everyday either. My philosophy is to eat a whole food diet. I like my diet to be in the 75% plant based category with lean meat a majority of the time. Bison, Wild Salmon, I do thing you can eat steak, eggs, ice cream in moderation. I eat healthy 90% of the time. I've studied and experimented enough with nutrition that I can fine tune my weight easily without tracking. Just a tweak in my intake. Usually meat and alcohol as my tendency is to start sliding back where I came from.
Growth: I do an hour of personal development everyday of my life. I'm always reading a new book, listening to one of my 75+ cd's, developing a new skill.
New Experiences: Life can get dull, don't close the door on new ideas and ways of thinking or doing. You may just find something you will enjoy the rest of your days.
Rest: I take a 10 minute rest EVERY afternoon. Call it meditation or a nap, whatever. I'll lay my seat back in my car while at work or lean back in my favorite chair here at the house. Did you know that most of our presidents took a nap everyday in the oval office?
Attitude/Perspective: I do believe that it is a choice to take the high road. However, I think you need new ideas from those that have come before you and have achieved greater success. If you have thought a certain way for 50 years, you need new ammunition to dispute your own conscience. And it will be a challenge and will take a disciplined effort.
Fun: When I first started to overhaul my life, it wasn't any damn fun after a while. It's one thing to make progress and be disciplined, but you have to laugh and have a good time!
Persistence: Not giving up is a form of faith. Even when the cards seem stacked against you, persisting and finishing the job or achieving your goal. Self discipline is one of life's requirements. We must be consistent and it's up to US.
Reflection/Results: I like to use a journal to record my major thoughts and life altering ideas. I also like an accountability partner and to actually look at my numbers, goals and tweak as necessary.
Optimism/Faith: A tough minded optimist see's the challenge as it is, the difference is that he also see's what it can be. He has faith that by doing the right things, there will never be any lack in his life.
Assumptions/Judgments: It's easy to make a negative judgment or assumption against another person. It's a slippery slope. I have been working on this one for a while. I force myself to make a positive assumption of judgement or kill it. Of course there are times that have greater weight and need a negative view. However, I've found that 90% of the time, it's a waste of mental energy.
Love: Making a conscious effort to grow the relationship with your wife and family. Maybe it's you that needs to change? I've found that through all my growth, people are attracted to me and their attitudes have changed.
Religion: I personally believe in God and the lessons of the bible. I think it's a major, major piece of your ultimate health and quality of life.
Lifestyle: The ultimate challenge of life. It's like your favorite recipe. A little of this and a little of that. What delicate balance of life's majors works for you?
Do I have it all figure out? Nope, I don't think that is possible. I do keep adding more value to my life and learning, that is key.