Originally Posted by V8TV
This looks nice... you could also add some plug welds in the gusset body to take the load off the edges.
Thanks for the complements! I thought about that but since it is fully welded below the gusset i figured that this is overkill already. I have seen tons of show cars and trucks that don't even gusset the original butt weld. I wanted just a little more reasurance. Good idea though!
ps. MSM69Z28 .120 wall 2x4 tubing will work great. That is what i used on mine. Just remember when you make your brakets and so on that it is only .120 wall so you might need to reinforce the tube steel when there will be a fair amount of force. The .120 tubing when pushed in the center on the tall side will have some deflection. I hope that mades sence.