Every once in a while someone comes up in here mad doggin' g-machines as being poseurs, trailer queens and overpriced garage art. Instead of getting all rabid and/or defensive, let's be helpful.

Kindly direct them to this thread. Post pics, youtube vids, etc. of your favorite action shot. Try to avoid car show or other static type images. Focus on action shots of g-machines running at auto-X, road course, drag strip and touring events--yup even highway stuff. Our cars do it all. It doesn't have to be your car either. Scrounge up as many cars as you can find. The search tool will help. This is just a suggestion. Hopefully, the idea takes off. Otherwise, we'll have an empty action shot thread for the naysayers to reference.
Here's an example: A few years back, Dream Car Garage stated that the Mule might be worth $300K. Well here's $300K dropping thru the corkscrew at Laguna Seca. Suspension is fully loaded; tires beggin' for mercy. I figured I'd start with the Mule to get things going. I'll post Twisted Idiots stuff later.