Have a build thread going on the PT site, would like to get your opinions / advice as well.
Long story short - eBay purchase on a whim, too excited to notice problems with car, start to fix "minor" problems with car, MASSIVE scope creep, car in parts but on the way!
I've worked on cars all my life but never completely built one before. Have always wanted to do so; no better time than now. All work that's been done was completed in a tiny one-car apartment garage in San Diego. I've been living in London since September 2011 and plan to be back in SD in late October, hopefully will have the car out of body/paint jail by the time I come back.
The day it rolled off the trailer in August, 2010:
When I was in denial and daily driving it in unsafe condition:
Original inspiration for my build with a few photoshop tweaks: