Originally Posted by awr68
Cool! Right hand drive...what all did it take to pull that off?
I could have kept it Left Hand Drive and had it registered on a "Hobby" registration. As I want to be able to drive it whenever I want and also is easier to drive around as Right Hand Drive (RHD) I decided to go that way. There were RHD Impalas built in Canada in the late 60's and some of these were exported to Australia. I located a power steering box from one of these and also as these were a rear steer the chassis rails where the steering box and idler arm mount. The steering box I sent to DSE who then went to the Saginaw facility, searched part books etc and got some late model internals and rebuilt and upgraded box

. As you can see box is a mirror copy of LHD Camaro box. We then grafted the mounting parts of chassis rail from RHD Impala into subframe. We made a jig that using upper control arm mounting points, located the mounting holes for box and idler arm in LHD chassis, then using this we were able to locate the RHD section of chassis in the identical spot. The main reason for this was to locate steering box in "correct" slightly indented position in the right hand rail. I couldn't be happier with it, worked out exactly like I'd hoped and has a real "factory" look about it. Steering column sits exactly in centre of seat and is square to driver. I've seen a lot of conversions where they have just bolted a RHD box to rail and this causes wheel to be off centre or coming in at a angle.
I'll add more on dash and air conditioning.
cheers Roger