call a PPG jobber..... those guys can look up almost anything, and chances are they helped develope that color in the first place. Give them the year, make and model, they'll plug it into the database and check. Usually they cross-reference other paint manufacturers as well, so even if they dont have a formula they'll find out who does.
PTFB, Viking, Holley Performance Products, BFGoodrich, Heatshield Products, Turbonetics, Hellion Turbo Systems,TCI, Dennys driveshafts, Eastwood, Preferredline Media, Summit Racing, Strange Engineering, Forgeline, TMI Products, DBR High Performance, Spectre Performance, Vintage Air, NPD, Digitails, Redline Lumtronix, Dakota Digital, Newport Engineering, Stage 8 fasteners, Industrial Depot, Brian Finch, Grant Salter, and many more Good friends with big hearts.