O.k., it's 2009 and time to ramp things up. From now on we'll actually have this be a contest where the non art guys from the main forum get to choose their favorite artwork. This is open to all mediums and skill levels, so I expect to see some of you guys just starting out participating too!

If you don't post a theme car based drawing, just post anything you've done throughout the month but it won't be eligible for the contest.
Scott has agreed to put up a small prize each month, so it'll be a bit of fun to be in the limelight and score a prize for doing what we love to do. I will do my best to choose a fun monthly theme car and keep it mixed up a bit. Feel free to pm me ideas for theme cars, and try to make it unique.
For this month, I thought I'd fall back on a post from a little bit ago. Someone asked about Disco Novas (1975-1979). I too like oddball Novas, I currently own a 73 Hatchback and a 74 trunk car. As a teenager at one time I owned a 77 Nova Concourse with a factory plastic "almost looks like billet" grille and a giant marshmallow on the back half of the roof. In my early 20's I had a 65 Nova wagon and for a short while I had a 74 Buick Apollo. Knew a friend in high school that had a 72 Pontiac Ventura. All great cars, except for the marshmallow poof roof anyways. I've heard a lot of folks bust on non 68-72 Novas and their X-body cousins but I see great hot rod potential in all of them.
So for February why don't we start the year with an X body-a-thon. This includes
Venturas, and
Apollos. I would recommend doing the not so popular years/cars for a change of pace however if you don't have time to do something new and want to participate with an older drawing, any X-body from 1962-1979 can be submitted.
Good Luck everyone!!!
P.s., next month won't be a Chevy