Originally Posted by GregWeld
I keep a Home Depot 5 by the cold cut saw -- all the little whacked off pieces (say over 2" long and up to a foot) go into the bucket. If I need a little tiny piece for something - I rummage thru the bucket - or just dump it out on the table - and find a piece and then just hold the bucket under the table and scoop all the stuff back in.
I don't like to have to whack a 1/2" piece off a 4' stick.... leaving the stick just short of the next thing I need to make... so I try to be efficient with the use of the sizes.
Yep... I've got a bucket for small stuff like that... and I keep any spacer material I don't end up using for later... especially the DOM.. that stuff is pricey and you never find it in the drop section.