Well today was the best day in the build for me so far. It runs. It started first attempt. No crossed wires. One power steering fitting that oozes a bit, that's it. Brakes seem to be fine, nice hard pedal. Front accessory drive didn't throw a belt. Fuel pump primed no problem. No smoke from the harness anywhere. Nothing. It was a great day for Project G-Velle. You may notice my excitement in the video, and this is the first attempt startup not the fifth! Yes, I'm in the passenger seat with the laptop.
All those days and nights of head scratching, questions, and challenges that popped up and it fired and ran the first time. I'm sure most of you veterans laugh at my excitement, but I can say I will remember this day for a long time. Hope you guys enjoy the video. Can't wait to move it under its own power then, hit the road