Originally Posted by evilzee28
Jeez, you have bad attitude dont ya??? Sarcasm, is the lowest form of wit!! Cant you take some home truths once in a while, does the sun only shine out of your butt?? You're forgetting, I don't live in your country, is your attitude typical of Americans?
Whats the matter, don't you like constructive criticism?? This is an open forum, where people can voice their thoughts & opinions. Whether or not you agree with them is irrelevant!! They were someones opinions, just as you have yours, but there's no need to rip into him or me is there. This is just like a back patters association, it's ok if you agree with everyone, but as soon as someone questions the motives behind what you're doing you go off on one.
Don't you people have track days?? you turn up with your car, sign the disclaimer & run it!! Why do you need concession stands & all of the other crap that goes with it. Deal with your own rooms,sort out your own insurance, whats the matter can't you deal with that or is that beyond you. You couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery! Oh & by the way, what says you have class & others don't, look outside the bubble & see that there's a real world out there, where there are more important issues as to whether to spend $1000.00 on a hinge.
The sun doesn't just shine on the "supposed land of the free" ............Get a life!!!!!!
it'll be interesting to see how long this is left up before being deleted because it isn't pro American,& how much of a slagging I get for posting it by you civilised Americans. time starts now....
Wow, yes, I'm a lurker looking for an education and enjoying reading about the successes and failures of the people that work so hard on their projects. I rarely post because I do not have much to add, I'm just taking it all in. I hope to take the G-machine route on my next project.. but back to the reason for my post.
You have a few flaws in your logic that need to be pointed out. Your posts are not "constructive criticism". Constructive criticism is not inflammatory or insulting, but opinions or suggestions that is meant to be delivered in a positive way, not judgmentally. I deal with it all day in my job and it has improved my performance immensely. You rant and then whine when you do not receive friendly replies? Try a civilized approach yourself.
I've read many posts on this forum, and I do not see any requirements that a post must be "pro-American" to not be removed. Taking an anti-American stance is something completely different. I do not know where you are from, and do not really care to know, but it is obvious to me that you have other hidden agendas and anti-American feelings that have bled into this forum and your views of its members and their cars. It appears that you have bought into many of stereotypical views of Americans and assume that this is what we are all like. Take a look in the mirror and evaluate your actions, it might closely resemble that which you so despise.
In conclusion, you Sir, are an a$$hole.