Originally Posted by realcoray
How are you losing weight? From your book it seemed like you were always thinking about it, but from the pictures I can't spot any indication that you've gone farther in that direction than you have in the past.
What did you learn from Red Devil that you're applying to this car? With so few details it seems like you're building the same car over.
My bet is that Mark will fall on his creature comfort sword a bit and save weight in one area by not soundproofing "the little devil" as extensively, or perhaps at all.
As memory serves there was a figure mentioned in the excerpt on Red Devil in his Building the Mule book that spoke of 60 Pounds... That would be a huge diet for a car so capable.
I also got a minimalistic vibe off of that radiator shot, Smaller tanks maybe? Efficiency though less water weight?
As we learned from Stielow in the Mule book he goes the extra mile and shaves tenths of ounces to save ounces and ounces add up to pounds.