I been looking at alot of differant cages for my 68 Camaro and would like your opinion on whos is the best. I looking for the best fit and tightest fit against the pillars and headliner. Thanks
I'm extremely happy with my DSE setup, it fits tight. Rob has an S&W setup but hasn't installed it yet, I'm curious how that will work for him since I'm considering adding a halo and downbars making mine a 10 point.
The fab work on the cage done in Campbell looks nice, but I believe that the side (door) bars need to pass between shoulder and elbow, to be NHRA/IHRA legal.
This might be OK for a road race sanctioning body, though, I really don't know.
It will be a couple of months before my S&W cage goes in, when it does I will post some photos.
1969 Camaro/ Tom Nelson TT 434 / Wayne Due C5 / DSE QLink / and a bunch of other stuff...