a friend of mine who is neither a brain suegeon or rocket scientist by any stretch of imagination (you know the type) actually did just that and it worked fine, guess noone told him that he couldnt do it and so he did... he cut the welds and cleaned up teh inside of teh rim, then mounted the slicks (which is what he couldnt fit) and tapped the rim back and forwards till the BS was right on, then he mounted the rim on the ballancing machine (with a tack weld in one side of the center to the rom ring to minimize movement) in th eballang´cing mashine, runout could be checked with a super high tech white board marker, and where ever there was a mark the rim required a light tap, and after 10 minutes of tapping it was remarkably straight... the rims are now fully welded and you cannot feel any vibration or detect funny wear, so my acvice is to just do it...
Elwood:We're 105 miles from Chicago, we have a full tank of gas, half pack of cigarettes, it's dark out and we're wearing sunglasses.
Jake: Hit it.