For those of us with classic's that have swapped over to a manual transmission or more exactly installed a hydraulic clutch master cylinder, you know what a pain it can be. Sure there are these kits that help; they mount the master cylinder but most of the time you still have to make sure the angle of everything is correct, that the pedal isn't over or under stroke the master, … [Read more...]
New HYDRAMAX Under-Dash Hydraulic Clutch System for Chevrolet/GM C10 Trucks
Cookeville, TN (November 12, 2021) - American Powertrain now introduces to its growing line of HYDRAMAX true bolt-in, under-dash Hydraulic Clutch Systems, a kit designed for 1967-1972 Chevy C10 trucks. The new system features an integrated under-dash hydraulic master cylinder and a bolt-in clutch pedal. The included clutch pedal allows for an easy conversion to hydraulic, or an … [Read more...]
Project No Name: American Powertain T-56 Magnum and Centerforce DYAD Clutch Install
Project No Name Chevelle V3.0: American Powertrain T-56 Magnum and Centerforce DYAD Install In our Project No Name '66 Chevelle, we just finished building LY6 6.0L engine. If you remember, this engine is going to receive some help in the form of a TorqStorm super charger. The car already had a T-56 in it from a LS1 1999 Camaro. This trans had been beat behind the old BBC that … [Read more...]
Clutch Diagnostics Guide by American Powertrain
American Powertrain is known as the leader of overdrive transmissions. One thing we noticed recently on their site is that they now sell Centerforce Clutches. Clutches, especially in a car that sees cruising, auto crosses, and maybe even strip duty can be hard to figure out. Even harder than figuring out the right clutch, is figuring out what went wrong, when things go … [Read more...]